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The formation of a lake

The formation of a lake
Nobody saw a lake? Lake is a fresh or salt water collected in a place which is quite wide and deep, which can occur due to factors such as the melting of ice miraculous, the flow of the river in the discharge, or because of the great sources . Usually, the lake can be used as a means of attractions can also Recreation and Sports for fishing. Over most of the lakes are also plenty of fresh water and are in the northern hemisphere, at an altitude of over Lake tinggi.Banyak also deliberately constructed by humans for the supply of electricity and water supply irrigation for agriculture, etc.

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Based on the process and the lake divided into several factors, namely:

  • tectonic lake is a lake formed by land subsidence due to the content sekelilinya / change failure.
  • vulknik is a lake formed by volcanic / volcanic eruption of horrible.
  • tekntonik volcanic lake is a lake formed by the natural lake tektonisme creation mixture formed vulkaniisme activity and synergy.
  • natural dam lake is a lake formed by the river valleys dammed by lava flows erupted when the eruption occurred.
  • karst lake is a lake formed by the dissolution of limestone soil formation of a lake.
  • The fund is a glacial lake formed by the merger of water in the last ee mengalis dry and then filled with water.
  • Is an artificial lake formed due to human activities are intentionally made to meet the supply of water for all activities.

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